Being able to walk into a home and photograph a mother and photograph her newborn and her post-partum journey is something that I will never take for granted. This is such a beautiful, difficult, messy, and emotional time. Despite this, Shradha was an open book. She didn’t hide anything. And, wasn’t afraid to show me such a personal part of a woman post-partum, her belly. Which I think is incredibly beautiful.
Motherhood photography is, and will always be, one of my favourite things to photograph. Especially when I’m allowed in to document it as it really is. Motherhood is something that I feel has been left in the dark when it comes to having it photographed. But I really want to change that. The beauty of those moments are forgotten amidst the leaky breasts, the sleepless nights, the tears, the starvation, and the stitches that are in a constant state of snagging on your pad. But those moments are the ones that I wish I could look back on, to see it with new eyes.
I offer a creative membership that is perfect for capturing you through your pregnancy journey. It offers between 2-4 sessions, which would document you at various moments in your journey. Anywhere from a first announcement that you’re pregnant, to when you’re 8 months pregnant, the birth of your baby, the first 24hrs after you deliver, newborn photography, and even 1-year after your delivery. I’d love to capture it all for you. Get in touch with me if this sounds like something you’d love to do.
– Sara <3

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